②二日目 On a phone



A: Hello, may I speak to _____ please?

B: [(This is she/he.)・(You’re talking to her/him). ]

     How’s it going?

A: [(Awesome)・(I’m good)・(I’m fine.)・(Great.)・(Excellent.)・(Alright.)・(Pretty good)・(Not too bad.) ]

    But I’ve been trying to call you all day.

B: [(Sorry about that.)・(My bad)・(I apologize. )]

    I was___________.

A:[(No problem)・(It’s okay.)・(No worries.)・(it is not a problem)・(it is fine.)・ (Everything is fine.)]

B: [(So what were you calling me about?)・(What was the reason for your call?)]

A: [(Oh, I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out tomorrow.)・(I want to do something tomorrow with you).]

B: [(Sure)・(of course)・(sounds great)]

     [ (what do you want to do?)・(What did you have in mind?)]

A: Maybe we can ______ or something.

B: [(That sounds like fun.)・( How nice!)・(That’s amazing.)・(Let’s do it.)]

A: Anyways, Have you seen _________ in school?

B: No, I haven’t.

A: She’s/He’s really________.

B: Describe her/him to me.

A: She’s/He’s not too tall/small.

B: Well, how tall is she/he?

A: She’s/He’s about _____.

B: What does she/he look like, though?

A: She/he has_________.

B: I may know which girl/boy/teacher/man/woman  you’re talking about.

A: So you have seen her/him around?

B: Yes, I have. Oh,I’m sorry,I don’t have so much time,I have to go now.

A: Okay,I’ll see you tomorrow then./Until then.

B: See you then. Goodbye.
