

Senior: Welcome to iTL! May I help you?

Visitor: Hi. Um…Do you know where  [library,301,clark’s cabin] is?

Senior: It’s___________. Here’s the map.

Visitor: Oh, I got it. Thank you very much!

Senior: [No problem,it’s okey]

Visitor: Can I ask you something?

Senior:[yeah,sure,of course]

Visitor: How do you spend your [Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday]?

Senior: I have [a class/classes] of ________. When I don’t have class, I do _________.

Visitor:Do you have any part-time job?

Senior: I do / I am / I work at__________.

Visitor: I see. Then, what is your favorite class?

Senior: I like my ________

Visitor: Interesting. Could you tell me how you study English?

Senior: I study English with _________.

Visitor: Ah, it was some really helpful information for me! Do you have any advice for me on how to study in order to enter this faculty?

Senior: I think you should __________first, and then,____________.

Visitor: I see. It makes sense. What do you want to do in your future? 

Senior: _________________

Visitor:(Ask one question to the senior.)

Senior: (Answer the question.)

Visitor: I see. Thank you so much for answering my question!

Senior: No problem!