※Talk about a problem




(choose one)

  You don’t seem to be yourself. Is anything wrong?/Is anything the matter?

       Is there anything you’d like to tell me/talk about?

       What seems to be wrong/the matter/the trouble?

       What’s bothering/troubling/eating you?

       What’s on your mind?

       What’s the story with you?
      Why so glum/down in the mouth?

       Anything bothering/troubling you?

B:(answer your own problem. Here’s the examples below)

personal problems:

   I haven’t been feeling well/l I haven’t been like myself lately.

   I’ve been feeling down/blue/out of sorts/out of it/under the weather

   I’m just not up to things.

   I’m on edge


  I’ve been feeling really stressed out/ under pressure lately.

  I’m up to my neck/my ears/ my eyeballs in work.

  I’m feeling overworked/over taxed/overwhelmed/burned out

  I need some downtime/personal time

Problems with things:

  The remote control doesn’t work/won’t work/doesn’t seem to work

   I can’t figure this answering machine out

   I can’t get this switch to work?to do anything

   My laptop’s just bit the dust

complaining about a problem:

   I’m really bothered/annoyed/irritated about〜〜

B:(asking for help or advice)

Do you think could help me out?

Do you think you could give me a hand with〇〇?(手伝ってくれる?)
I’d like to hear your advice on how to 〇〇.

What do you think I should do 〇〇?

I wish I knew how to 〜?

I need some help.

I need some advice.

A:(Show your own solution).



Thank you a lot.

B:(Asking for confidentiality.)

I hope you’ll keep quiet about this./keep it to yourself.

Please don’t breathe/say a word to anyone.

This is just between you and me.

Don’t tell a soul.


I promise not to tell a soul/to breathe a word.

My lips are sealed.

You can trust me.

You can confide in me.

Mum’s the word.